3 Ways to Stay Positive in the New Year

The New Year is often a very emotional time for people, as it is often a prompt for deep, pensive thought about what has been accomplished during the year and where a person will be headed to over the next twelve months. If you struggle with staying positive over long periods of time, you may want to consider the use of behavioral health services as a long-term solution. But in the interim, here are three things that you can do right now, of your own accord, to help you stay positive in the New Year.
Take Note of What You Have Already Accomplished Thus Far
A great thing about life transitions counseling is that, as we move from one year to the next in the story of our lives, it allows us to take inventory of what we have accomplished so far and, like the old song says, “accentuate the positive.” Everyone has at least one good thing that they have accomplished over a period of twelve months, and likely, there is more than one. Focus on these things as a starting point and then figure out how where you are now can lead you to where you want to be later on.
Frame Your Goals in a Pleasant Light with Positive Language
It is important to realize that trying to get rid of a bad habit without replacing it with a good one in your everyday life is a lot like playing a game of Jenga if you keep taking pieces away from the structure without replacing them, you’ll find the whole structure is bound to come crashing down pretty quickly.
That means it is vital for you to replace every negative habit or thought with a positive one, especially with regards to quitting an addictive behavior, like smoking or eating junk food. If you have never considered it before, this is an instance where hypnotherapy is particularly helpful, as it specializes in dealing with exactly these kinds of situations in great success.
Take Time Each Day to Take a Gratitude Inventory
A wonderful habit to get into, whether you are specifically trying to stay positive for the New Year or just in general, is to begin and end each day by taking what we will call a “gratitude inventory.” This means the moment you wake up each day, take a few seconds to be thankful for the things you already have your home, food, a job that keeps you busy, even if it doesn’t pay as much as you would like right now.
When the day ends, take a few moments to reflect on all the people who were kind or helpful to you throughout the day. Did you go out to eat for lunch that day or catch a cab ride home after dinner? You may have been paying those people for their time, but they still brought you your food with a smile and got you home safely after your meal. This is a great way to center your thoughts around a positive wavelength when you first wake up and when you go to sleep.
For more information on how behavioral health services can help you stay positive during the New Year, contact Smith Psychotherapy Associates through their website today.
behavioral health services life transitions counseling psychotherapy