Post-Partum College Years
College depression is increasing. According to the Cooperative Institutional Research Program annual survey, The American Freshman: National Norms Fall 2014, 9.5% of the 150,000 students polled frequently felt depressed during the past year.
This is up from 6.1% in 2009. Additionally, 34.6% “felt overwhelmed” school and other commitments. This compares to 27.1% in 2009.
It could be that the pressures from always being connected are starting to make them crack?
However, depression for many of those off to college for the first time can be solved with a few simple strategies.
5 ways to reduce college depression
Call a family member. In our ultra-connected, high-tech world it is shocking how often we forget the simple things in life.
Like for example, did you know that your smartphone does more than just connects you to your friends and dates on Facebook, Twitter, Tinder, Tumblr, YouTube, and a host of other social sites. Your smartphone can dial phone number to those closest to you.
Sometimes the best medicine for depression is talking to family members. Only 15-20 minutes can do wonders for your mental health.
Meet people in your dorm. It is great to talk to family, but developing your own social network is exactly what your college years are for anyways.
Go out of your dorm and meet the people on your floor. You will probably discover that many of them are as scared of being away from home as you are.
College can be a great time for you to create long-lasting bonds with friends that can sustain you now and in your professional career afterwards.‚ Start today, and meet the people on your floor.
Workout regularly. You hear this all the time for a reason. Working out is not only good for your physical well-being, but also your mental well-being.
Working out releases endorphins in your head that allow you to positively fight any negative influences in your life.
If you are depressed, then working out can release the negative chemicals that stay in your system when you are not active.
Use counseling services. You do not have to go it alone. While college is about exploring who you are, it does not mean you need to take that path on your own.
Check to see if the school you go to has a counseling service you can use. If that is not available look into professional counselor in the area around your campus.
Are you on the right path? We mentioned in the point above that college is about finding your way.
Well, sometimes we are not headed in the right direction. If you feel isolated, because you are not sure that you are on the right path then it is time to evaluate what you really want in life.
It could be that your degree is just not right for you. Perhaps you do not like the college you are attending. Maybe you have a dream that you put on hold.
Changes like these could be the release you need to feel better about your life. When you feel you are on the right path in life, it is easier to stay upbeat and positive.
Final Thoughts
If you are feeling depressed, then do your best to change your situation. Something in your life is making you feel this way. The more you know about that depressed thought or situation, the more you can begin moving forward in a better path.
Do you have questions that you do not know who can answer? Let us help you? Call our private line at 847-824-8366 if you are not sure where to turn.