People experience problems with their mental health and their lives for many reasons. Treatment is developed based on each individual’s needs, beliefs, experience, race, culture and ethnicity. Therapy is a collaborative process between you and your therapist to form goals and a direction for treatment. Therapy can be short-term (months) or long-term (years) depending upon your specific needs.
Abuse of all types, accidents, and injuries can all cause trauma. People who have experienced these life events often avoid talking about them for many reasons, which may include having received threats from the perpetrator, fear of remembering and facing what happened to them or feelings of shame and guilt about the events (even if unfounded). We treat mental health issues such as:
- Depression
- Anxiety and Panic Attacks
- Grief and Loss
- Relationship Problems
- Employment and School Stress
- Chronic Pain
- Life Transitions
- Insomnia and Sleep Disturbances
- Psychological Stress of Medical Conditions